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  • Nader Pouratian Biography

  • Nader Pouratian is Professor and Chair of Neurological Surgery at UT Southwestern Medical Center. His clinical practice includes neuromodulation, radiosurgery, peripheral nerve surgery, and neuro-oncology.

    As a neurosurgeon, neuroscientist, and bioengineer, he has the unique perspective and training to integrate these fields and take advantage of the unparalleled opportunities presented by neurosurgery to study human brain function and design novel neurotechnologies. His current focus is understanding the network basis of disease and neuromodulatory therapies and designing novel network-based interventions to address neurological and psychiatric disease. His work currently focuses on Parkinson disease, chronic pain, depression, blindness and neuroethics, supported by several NIH grants.

    Finally, he is passionate about training the next generation of neurosurgeons and neuroengineers, having mentored countless undergraduate and graduate students, neurosurgical residents and fellows, and postdoctoral scholars.

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