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Computational techniques such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are poised to revolutionize healthcare. The CNS recognizes that obtaining training in basic and advanced data science requires exposure to diverse developments in this environment as well as opportunities for mentorship.
The Big Data session at the 2018 CNS Annual Meeting and the data science scholar program (2020) were the early initiatives marking the inception of a program at the forefront of these emerging technologies.
CNS is revolutionizing neurosurgical practice with a groundbreaking AI-enhanced interface integrated into the CNS+ app.
The CNS Annual Meeting helps neurosurgeons stay up to date on innovations in the field to empower and help them make the greatest impact for their patients.
This course provides a framework for answering neurosurgical questions using data science models.
The CNS Scholarship in Data Science opens up training opportunities in basic and advanced data science.
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