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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/27/1912

    89 Anson Street

    Barrow in Furness, England

    March 27, 1912

    My Dear Dear Dear Boy,

    Your letter of March 16th just arrived and we hasten to reply to it. The news it contains is something wonderfull. I have not got language that will describe my feelings for your success and bright prospects for your future. I wish we could help you. In fact I believe we do help you although we may be thousands of miles away for we invariably appeal to the Great Govener of the Universe to direct the course of our boy. And hitherto we have all much to be thankfull for.…

    I had thought of mentioning to you that you should always tell us about the cases of importance you operate on, that is if they get better. Like you did in the little English boy that you mention in this letter. This was the one I was going to ask about. Some of the others you must have forgot. I think we will have to come back so we can talk instead of write. I would like to hear about them every night when you come home for supper.

    We are beginning to feel we want to get nearer awer boy. Say I just fancy I see you kicking that ball. You would feel as though you could kick it over the moon, after such great success in your work. Your statement that the biggest men don't always do the best work hardly looks right to me. As I think the biggest man did the best work. The trouble had been with those who had used the tape for measuring. The young giant had never been measured, and like the Queen of Sheba they will still have to say that half as not been told.

    Wait till Mama gives you some more good meals. It will be like fuel to an engine and produce lots of good steam. She often wonders how her boy is holding out on the meals he gets.

    Well the coal strike is still bad and not being settled as fast as I expected. I thought the mineowners would have conceeded before now, if only as a sop. Just to keep them from deviating from the old paths of unionism that they know they can whip or from trying the new method of syndicalism which to my view looks rather brutal to say the least in order to arrive at Socialism. Of course it would come quicker but not so rational.

    You say and I see from these papers that you are haveing lots of dirty politics. I saw yesterday where you are going to have a great time in New York next month with the men and religious movement headed by politicians and Joseph Cannon at the head of it. Is it old Joe Cannon the ex?Speaker of the House? If so he is a fine man to represent Christianity. I see that almost all shades of politics is represented in it except the Socialist. And it is evedently intended for the movement to fight it. The same ideas are prevalent here-anything to beat the Socialist but I think they have started too late or crushed them too hard to ever relinquench Socialism for old politics. As least those who have been wise enough to use there reason rather than blind lambs led to the slaughter. And even as just as English law is administired it is plain to be seen at times that the rich and powerful is let off when the poor is brought to justice.

    There is some interesting work in this direction going on now in the Tom Mann case etc. in contrast with Sir Edward Carson, Privy Counceler, great man in the Conservative Party, anti home ruler, who threatened to establish a seperate goverment in western Ireland if they got home rule for Ireland. This was done when we where in Ireland. And everybody amongst the conservatives thought it great idea but as soon as Tom Mann requested solders not to shoot at strikers, he was arrested and refused bail. One of the Labor M.P.s put petitions in the House for Speaker to have the government settle this discrimination and Speaker did not do it claiming he did not think it proper to accuse such a person. Now the Labor Party insists on it being done and getting lots of backing. So much for rotten politics.…

    Your affectionate Father

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