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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 12/26/1913

    20 Holford Place

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    December 26, 1913

    My Dear Son,

    …It is our greatest pleasure here to hear from you, and to hear that you are well and then to hear good news of your work and compliments from the heads of the hospital. I hardly can see how you stand the strain of the enormous work you are doing. Well you must be careful that you don't undermine your health for the sake of anything however great the honor and fame.

    I hope you will soon be in a position to take it easier and have a little more of the enjoyment of life. I am very glad to hear your hand is better. I know you are careful but I want you to be more careful. I sent you a piece of paper about a young doctor who had died through an infection on his hand. I did not know about your hand when I sent it but merely sent it as a warning. I remember the dreadful hand you had before we left Baltimore.

    I am very anxious to hear how you got along with your lecture at the medical meeting. Tell us all about it. I think if you go to Phildelphia they ought to be glad to pay your way as your salary is not very large and your stocks are still going down. Well never mind, they will go up some of these days. There is always a silver lining behind a dark cloud.

    Pa has been kind of homesick for his boy. What should I do with him. The last thing before he went to sleep was to wonder if his boy had his supper and what you were doing. You don't hear of your mother giving up to such sentiments.

    I had a job writing letters last week. I wrote ten and sent all of them a Xmas present. I sent Matthew a tie like yours. Polly and Mrs. B. handkerchiefs. I sent Mr. Seddon a tie and Mrs. and G. handkerchiefs. The only present I got was one from your girl. It is a collar and it is sure a beauty and she also sent Pa a lovely tie. They were sent with Father, Mother and Lena's best wishes. But I'll bet it was the Mother bought them as Lena would be to stingy. I think she is worse than me. The mother said when they were here that Lena wouldn't let her buy anything. I did not send them anything.

    Pa was wishing the other day that you had a good position so as you could marry her. She is alright. She will sure take care of the dollars.

    Well the weather has been rather gloomy and miserable here. I am glad Xmas is over. It is not like Xmas when you are not with us. I hope you had a good one and got lots of presents. Turkeys are high here some as high as 16 shillings. We had a fine roast of meat and every other good thing.

    Did you get your coupons and tie and pin all right. How did you like them. I will close with best wishes for a happy prosperous and successful New Year.

    Your loving Mother

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