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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/14/1927

    Finally I got off and am now en route to New Orleans - to the only state in the union I have not yet been. This trip I find very restful, for the close application to work so racking has its effect, though it may not be evident at the time. Besides, it is useful, for today I wrote most of another article.

    More and more, I wish you were living near us so that we could see more of each other. Each year my work seems to get more and more concentrated, leaving less time to come to see you, as I should love above all things to do. And more and more, Walter is developing and through such a wonderful period of his life. You should see him frequently and watch him grow and help him grow, too. Of course, you didn't make a very good job with me, but with all that experience and profit of mistakes, you could do so much for him. I miss him and wish I could see more of him too, instead of the fleeting glimpse, which seems only possible. I marvel at the little brain developing so keenly and quickly and am so thankful, too, to have Mary Ellen coming along to go over it all again. It's finally worth it all and more to you now, isn't it, to have married, especially with such a dear little girl for a wife. I have been very lucky after all the years of waiting. "It was all for the best, wasn't it," I can hear you say, can't I?

    The weather is very much milder here. The trees are in the height of their fall color, about two months behind Baltimore. The cotton is ripe and hanging in little white balls from the dead plants and in some places they are picking it. Tomorrow at 8:30 will be in New Orleans - the quaint old French city.

    Please go over and see my boy and girl.

    With love and kisses to the dearest little mother and father in the world.

    From your loving son,

    Walter x x x x x x

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