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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 05/04/1909

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    May 4, 1909

    My Dear Son,

    …Sorry you have so many hard exams ahead of you. We like to hear of you making fine grades, but we don't want you to make them if it is in any way injurious to your health. Make that your first consideration. I want to see you looking fine when you come home.

    We can't decide for you now what is best for you to do. We would like to be able to see what is best for you but that is beyond our reach and now we have full confidence in your judgment and that you will be able to see what is best for you to do. When school is out we would want and desire you home all the time. But that would not be for your good. 4 months would not be long enough nor half long enough to have you at home. But you would hardly be satisfied with having nothing to do. And I would not like to see you dissatisfied, so if you desire to stay one or two months longer we will be satisfied for you to stay.

    We talked the matter over about you going to New York or staying in Baltimore for a few weeks and we thought that if you could get in and work with Dr. Cushing it would benefit you more than going to New York. And I would think the maternity work would be as good in Baltimore as in New York. And if it is only to see the city you would like to go for you could go some other time for that purpose. If you could get in with Dr. Cushing and it would be a future benefit to you I believe I would prefer you take that. Of course you do what you think is best for you. You understand those things better than we do.…

    Stanley B. came in on Sunday. He thanked me for the present. He thought it was fine. I bought him some knives and forks. He said he thought it best to get married as she could be a good help to him. He says Dr. Schwald is going to leave Cole Camp.…

    Your loving Mother

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