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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 12/26/1912

    7 Great Percy Street

    Kings Cross Road

    London, England

    c. December 26, 1912

    My Dear Son,

    …Well today is beautiful and spring like. It is too nice to stay indoors, so after we finish writing we will go out to Hyde Park. There is always some something interesting going on there besides it is a beautiful park.

    We went to Euston Depot the other morning to see the King and Queen go off. It was advertised in the paper 11:30 A.M. but when we got there they had been gone an hour. I think they did it on purpose, as they were saying at the depot they were afraid of the Suffragists and I don't blame them for they are a hard (J.D.: only some of them) faced manly looking lot of women that would not stop at anything. They have meetings every Monday in the pavilion. The men have to have tickets to get in and they have to be of good character to get a ticket. Pa has got on the good side of them and he has got a ticket for several meetings. He is in full sympathy with them. One thing I admire about Mrs. Pankhurst is that she is not working for a selfish motive. She has suffered a good deal for the cause she believes in. There might be some improvement in conditions if they had the vote and there is lots of room for improvement here.

    Pa is pleased over his gold mine. Thinks of taking $25 more stock.

    Your loving Mother

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