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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/01/1909

    1323 E. 5th St.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    c. March 1909

    My Dear Son,

    …Let me know if you get better meals at your new boarding house. When we sit down to a good dinner Papa will often say I wish my boy could have some of this dinner. I hope you get good meals.

    Mrs. B. came up Sunday. Stanley's 6 months were up and he took a trip to St Louis. She says Dr. Schwald wants to sell out. But Stanley don't think he will stay if Schwald goes away. Dr. Schwald has a boy to look after the horses and hitch up. He wanted Stanley and himself to do that work and save four dollars. Stanley told him he would never do anything in that line of work. Schwald done it a few times himself, then had to get the boy back. Then he wanted him to keep fires in the office. Stanley told him he was no office boy. If there was coal, he would put it on. But he would not carry coal.

    Stanley don't want to go in partners with him as it will cost too much to buy his share. He believes he would rather take the $75 a month he promised when he went there. Mrs. B. says she don't want S. to put in another winter like he has done this winter. I have an idea he will get married soon. She says he has bought two suits of clothes, kept himself and has saved $150. He had two operations to perform when he came back from St Louis. Cut a finger off a boy and if gangrene had sit in, he would cut the hand off. The other operation two toes that had grown together and he was going to cut one off. Strange he would leave patients like that. They might be dead before he got back.…

    Your loving Mother

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