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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 01/06/1914

    20 Holford Place

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    January 16, 1914

    My Dear Boy,

    You must certainly have shown yourself a man at Philadelphia to be able to command all those complements recorded in papers. We read them and reread them many times. Then Mama sent them away to your girl to let her see what a smart son she had. Of course the papers have to be returned for further reading at home, then sent to others to clinch awer bombast about awer wonderfull boy.

    But say what about poor Cushing only mentioned once and that for some minor office. How the mighty have fallen. I rather think you will need a serch light to find him a few years hence. He will have to go to some obscure place in the west.

    Well I don't want you to work harder than your constitution will permit with safty to yourself. But I do hope that it will not be long till you are able to publish to the world that you have found a cure for hydrocephalus and may other things that are now concealed be made plain to you so you can show to others in indisputable ways the discoveries you have made and further that you may receive benefits in every way that your ability and labor has produced. Then you will feel that not only yourself but mankind has been benefitted by your life in the world. We are anxiously awaiting next letter as I think their will be lots of Hopkins official comments to relate. Did you send to Sedalia the Philadelphia Record of Tuesday December 20 as I think that gave you a great send off. And the Democrat would publish it.……

    Your papers were very very interesting. Vivisection paper first part just about covered same arguments I presented in my little talk.…

    You will notice how English snobbery is enjoying herself showing her ability with rifels in South Africa rather than with reason. I think we will have to have President Wilson for Kings adviser in dealing with discontent. But I am afraid officialdom here is to thick headed to learn until it is too late. She will keep at it till all her colonies rebell like U.S. did and I think sooner the better.

    I was just thinking how curious the law is. If a man fights his next neighbor the victor don't take his property. But nations do. A few years ago Englishmen went to S. Africa to fight the Boers. Now the government has armed the Boers to shoot the Englishmen.

    Cushing tryed to crush my boy. Now my boy is on top with a piercing light showing him up.… So Goodbye. God help you to keep revealing the hidden things.

    Your affectionate Father

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