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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 03/23/1944

    All five of them! Sounds like the worm story. It’s a rainy, muggy day for a change. Shall soon go up and read Der Fũerhrer, having just had lunch. Drs. Jelks, Richardson and Lyerly came over for golf the other day. Then had dinner at Dr. Richardson’s house just above the Inn. The Gammons came over and recalled Margaret’s misbehavior on her visit there. The golf balls came in the nick of time.

    Only four more days till leaving time. I will have had enough by then. Three weeks is just about right for plutocrats.

    Got three letters in a bunch (very late), but none from the angel. Kitty wrote me (typewritten!)and forwarded me Margy’s cute letter about Don and not smoking until 21.

    Glad you had such a nice time in New York. I wrote Dr. Bartle asking him to drive down but have heard nothing – perhaps he was away. You didn’t tell me whether Helen came back. She is going to have a hard pull if she doesn’t get started soon. Have been reading about your bad weather. It has been lovely here - a little more rain than usual, but it soon clears up.

    Got a nice letter from Mrs. Shauck which I will enclose. Guess Otenasek is having a swell time while the cat is away! Hope he stays well. Troland wrote me and was worrying about his status when he returned. Should like to keep him too, but where will they operate? Hopkins should expand and take care of the youngsters who are coming along. It won’t be long until we have two doctors in the family – three when Margaret comes up.

    Just met Bob Merritt, President of the Equitable Trust - Baltimore - a most attractive fellow. The Brunes are also here. Played golf with Donald Nelson’s second man – Batt - Dr. Smith is working with him. They are trying to get me to give a talk at one of the camps. I’m hoping to escape it, especially since the time is growing short. Only four more days. Haven’t got my reservation yet, but they think it will come O.K.

    Take good care of my little girls and give them some big hugs for

    Daddy x x x x x x x

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