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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 09/26/1910

    1214 S. Mass. Ave.

    Sedalia, Mo.

    September 26, 1910

    My Dear Son,

    …Well Papa went out yesterday. He will be in in the morning. He hasn't laid off for about a year, but I suppose you already know he is not much on laying off. We are getting a little more used to our situation here. Not feeling quite so lonely. Feels better when we hear good news from you.

    I am quite pleased to hear that the young men would consider or think of you for Cushing's place. They must have a high opinion of you. A great deal more than you have of yourself. Of course we have said such things in fun, but it was a great compliment to you for those young men to say so. It would be fine to get with Cushing if possible, but you must not work too hard to injure your health. Your health is before everything.

    Pa is beginning to feel more like quitting every trip he makes. We are both feeling more like it all the time. Foolish to work any longer. Would rather he did not go to Portland if it could possibly be avoided. It is a long trip out there.

    We went to Smallwoods. Thought we might sell our range to them, but she is wanting something finer than a second hand range. She wants to buy a new one. She has got very fine furniture in her home, everything good. A great deal better than I started housekeeping with. I was always afraid of Pa getting out of work. They are not looking that far ahead. If Rufus happened to get fired he could have a lot of fine furniture to look at.

    We have thought sometimes of selling all our furniture. What we could get for them and the cost of shipping them would buy quite a lot. What do you think about it. I think it would be better to get close to the hospital for the winter so as to be convenient for you.

    What color is your suit. You had better not get any for Pa as he would hate to be bothered like you have been with tailors.…

    Your loving Mother

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