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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 11/14/1927

    Passing through the lovely Piedmont region this morning makes me think of a similar trip three months ago when my little girl had just added our newest arrival to our happy family. Doubtless, very full of pride at the time. This region will always carry an unnaturally beautiful character for associated scents and frames of mind, surely add colors of brighter or more sombre hue. If my little girl could be along - as I wish you

    were - she would think as I do of another happy occasion - one of the happiest of our lives. For the trees are colored at their height, just like Lake Clear.

    I do hope my little girl got a good night's sleep and was not aroused 8 times in 10 minutes as she was on the couch just before our parting, but then she went to sleep even easier than she was she was aroused. Didn't you have a great day with our young progeny!

    I don't think the picture of little Mary Ellen sitting in the big chair along the dinner table, bolstered by a cushion and bobbing her little bald head about constantly and flashing her bright blue eyes in an attempt to see everything and adjust herself to the new world about - can ever be forgotten or dimmed. It's like another picture which was so vivid as to be ineffaceable - namely, another little girl rounding the corner at the steps near the elevator.

    Nor shall I ever forget the big boy with his eyes so firmly fixed on the choo-choo taking water, turning on the turntable, the headlight, engine going in the tunnel, and then his triumphant march through the hospital, coming out with the spoils of a conqueror - the quack-quack and the doll-baby and all without a not unusual catastrophe!

    And the picture is not complete without my other little girl in her beautiful new attire - so proud and so sweet. And then I say how could one be happier and get more of the joys of life. Goodbye little sweetheart for nearly a week. Kiss my boy and my two little girls every time I wish I could but cannot. You could kiss them more.

    With all my love,

    Walter x x x

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