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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 09/17/1913

    20 Holford Square

    Percy Circus

    London, England

    September 17, 1913

    My Dear Son,

    …We are pleased to learn you contemplate an holliday. You must need it bad. Just think, we have had 2 years holladay and not tired yet. Surely you can have two weeks especialy if your stock goes up two points. Besides you ought to feel big on the point of seniority being only the 3rd man from the top. I wish they would promote two or three so as to place you in the inner circle. But even then you would not be satisfied. You would justly want and deserve something better.

    Well I hope you got your money all right so you can have a good time with it.

    Say about that $30 six room furnished house. We think it to steep. Half the rooms and half the price would suit us better. Then we feel more certain of staying in one place. If it is not much trouble you might keep your eye on 2 or 3 room furnished or unfurnished. But if we stay here much longer we had better decide on staying till Spring acct of rough sailing. In fact it begins to look as though we should stay anyhow unless for your sake in eating the little Bosses grub. Again it all depends on you and your condition as we are just as comfortable as we can be here but will come back anytime for your sake. As a whole we like America and her people better than the English. Especially in politics.

    Say I enjoyed Mr. Bryans lecture the "Price of a Soul." If you get the others he is going to give please send them. I have got aquainted with postmaster here and I am going to let him see Bryans lecture. Bryan don't think much of your action in the stock exchange. I had letter from Porter. He says it is very hot and dry. Business almost at stand still about 100 in the shade. Where is Cape May.

    I see where Mrs. Pankhurst is coming to Baltimore. She is worthy of being heard even if you differ with her on politics. Sometimes change of ideas are good for us even if not agreeable at the time as we often have to unlearn as well as learn as our conclusions may have been wrong. At least that is how I find it. I have changed my mind lots on English goverment and English law as regards being justly adminestered.

    However my greatest desire is that you never have to change yours on the finding you make in the scientific world of medicine or science. I hope it is bedrock foundation that all the seas may role against and not disturb it. Your politics are minor importance, not being your special branch but I do want to see your name tower above all others in your chosen calling and feel certain it will do it if you don't over work and under feed yourself. I think over taxation in each of the above destroys good ideas which is essential to success.

    Say, I am talking to you as though I was a doctor instead of you, so excuse me. The Boss is here laying down in bed getting fat and rather lazy. Too tired, you used to say when a little boy and you wanted us to carry you rather than walk.…

    So goodbye. Have good hollady.

    Your affectionate Father

    P.S. Yes we always keep enough to come back with. We don't shoot it all like you did in Pacific stock. We lack nerve.

    My Dear Boy,

    This is Thursday night and the Boss has not got her letter written yet. Is going to wait till tomorrow then mail on the Cunard on Saturday as usual so you will get it before the Mo Pac goes in the hands of the receiver. Say I believe I could have done as well as you did. I noticed today she was down to 23 7/8. That is going some but the wrong way. I believe my Wilshire is going to beat that.

    I see where he wants some more money to get the gold coming our way. But I think I will keep what gold I have got for more certain investments although I am like you on Pacific. I have the confidence etc. but they have my gold and likely to keep it some time. However don't let it bother you. I still have enough for both of us to get something to eat. The Boss felt sorry for you today when I told her you had lost about $140 already but I am watching you like an old timer as you told me to do. I shall have to get in an airaplane to see the top of it soon.

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