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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 07/12/1914

    The Johns Hopkins Hospital

    Baltimore, Md.

    July 12, 1914

    Dear Mother and Father,

    Well I have had a nice vacation of 4 days and a weeks good work on top of it. Have done 3 or 4 small brain operations. Operated on a man for broken back. It was the second time I had done it and was very glad of the opportunity. He ought to get perfectly well in time.

    The boy from Chile has gone home. I guess he is all right. The post graduates are through. I get a check next week.

    I received your check for $150 with many thanks. I would rather you had not sent it however as I don't need it and it won't draw much interest here, whereas in Sedalia it would draw 6%. MoPac looks very blue now but it may spruce up yet. I am not bothering about it. Everything turns out for the best in some way. So this will probably do so too.

    The weather is very hot again, though for two weeks it has been very nice and cool with plenty of rain. I saw in the paper where the Katy Flyer was held up and robbed at Matson when they stopped for water. I am sorry about not sending you the papers. I didn't think you cared for them as once you said not to send them. But I will do so soon.

    I won't look around for a place for you until shortly before you come, which I think should be in September. Then it would be best to get you a room somewhere and then let you look around for what you think is best.

    I think it would be wise to get clothes there (good ones) for they are evidently about twice as cheap as in this country. Dr. Bloodgood is going to speak in London about July 29, I believe. You might enjoy going to hear him. I am sure you would have no difficulty getting in but if you should, just explain things and I am sure it will be all right.

    I got a nice letter from Dr. Halsted which I will enclose. He seems very pleased at the publication. I hope to have a couple more for him when he gets back.

    I don't know much more about Chicago. I guess I will end up by staying here. I wish I were resident but I guess that is too much to expect.

    Well I hope you are enjoying yourselves and are in the very best of health. Take a trip to Paris before you come back. With much love.

    Your loving son, Walter

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