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  • Walter E. Dandy Letter 08/16/1914

    The Johns Hopkins Hospital

    Baltimore, Md.

    August 16, 1914

    Dear Mother and Father,

    I was very glad to hear that you are all right and have plenty of money for immediate use. I think the best thing to do, however, is to come back as soon as you have a good opportunity- think it will be just as cheap here as there now and I don't suppose the excitement of the war will interest you especially. That is to be on the ground.

    But another thing I want to know is whether you would object to me joining the Red Cross Corps for service in Europe. It will be a wonderful experience, a bully trip and will make $250 a month, see all Europe with all expenses paid and be entirely out of danger. Only Americans can serve, they are accepted by all combatants and they are out of line of danger entirely. I would get lots of war surgery to do but the experience would be wonderful in every way. A number of men here are going at the first opportunity. I know you will think at first that it is war and will look at it like swimming but there isn't any more danger than there is with swimming. Everything is out of the way of the combatants. You can serve for 6 months or longer. Six months would be all I would want. It is the experience of a lifetime.

    I have a couple of nice brain cases for this week. A cerebellum and a ganglion, neither of which I have done before. Also a spinal cord tumor which is quite rare. My other cases are doing nicely. The boy from Chile came to see me yesterday and is perfectly well.

    Am still going to Chicago to look over the field there-but can't very well go until the middle of September. I think I will go to the country for 2 or 3 days and rest up a little. My mind and body are both a little fatigued and I guess I ought to take it. The men asked me yesterday why I didn't take a real vacation. Wait until I make some money and I will do as I please. I will have to get a new full suit before I go to Chicago. That will be a nice vacation. Will also go to the Mayos and learn a little from them.

    Heuer is still in Germany and he may stay to take advantage of the opportunity there. If he stays I will stay here and get to do the neurological surgery but if he comes back it won't be worth my while to stay here and then I would like to take 6 months in Europe with the Red Cross before going to Chicago if I decided to go there. Gee it would be a great trip. 10 years from now I would have something to tell my children except the regular routine of hospital existence.

    Mrs. Brown has gone to New York for a couple of weeks. She is improving nicely and is quite encouraged. She bought me a $3.00 fountain pen. I lost mine and happened to mention it to them, and they immediately took hold of it and the next day I got one. It was very nice of them. I was over to have dinner with them a couple of times.

    I am going downtown to see if it is possible to send you some money. I don't need it and you may. I think Alexander Brown & Sons may be able to arrange it and I will send you what I have as yours may be tied up.

    Trusting you are still in good security and suffering no consequences from the war. I remain,

    Your loving son, Walter

    P.S. Let me know about joining the Red Cross.

    P.P.S. England has a great navy!!

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